Wrestling (WWE) is entertaining. The way the ww[ef] superstars (Especially the ones like Undertaker, Triple H) are presented is fun to watch. Or the kind of high flying maveuveurs the wwf superstars are able to perform, it really is super cool. The only catch is - it is not a sport. The feuds are all pre- defined to juicen things up. I recently came to know of UFC. I hope some day they start airing it in my part of the world. [Read More]

Console Gaming - Sony Playstation 3

I have been thinking of this topic for some time. I am a happy owner of the old Phat PS3 Model. At one time, I use to do a fair amount of gaming on my computers. So when Sony marketed the PlayStation 3 product, it was cool to see a machine that did: Gaming Movies, Music, Pictures Blu-Ray Ran Linux I convinced myself to buy a PlayStation 3, that I’d use it for playing with Linux apart from gaming. [Read More]