Debian GNU/Hurd on VirtualBox

One of the great things about Debian is the wide range of kernels it supports can run. This gives the user the flexibility to not spend time on the common userland stuff. For example, most apps, package management and system admin tasks are common across all Debian platforms. These platforms may not be optimal at par to Linux, but still, choice is good. For long, I had used Debian GNU/Hurd, only on a KVM hypervisor. [Read More]

Reporting bugs with Apport - II

This is a follow up to the previous post regarding Reporting bugs with Apport Apport, version 2.2.3-2, has been pushed to experimental. There were some nice feedback that led to some more changes that I will talk here. **Opt out: **As a developer, if you see the volume of reports to be annoying, you have the option to opt out of apport reports. To do this, you should specify the XBS-Apport: No field in your package ’s control file. [Read More]

Debian SAN

Many of the SAN components in Debian have me involved. So I think out to give an update on what the state of SAN would be in Debian Wheezy. Open-iSCSI : Just uploaded a newer version to experimental which eventually will crawl into testing. It should fix all release goals for Wheezy. Please give it a good test iscsitarget : Same goes here. This one is already in testing. Please test. [Read More]

Apport for Debian

apport just cleared the new queue and is now available in experimental. For those who do not know what apport is: Debugging program crashes without any automated tools has been pretty time consuming and hard for both developers and users. Many program crashes remain unreported or unfixed because: Many crashes are not easily reproducible. End users do not know how to prepare a report that is really useful for developers, like building a package with debug symbols, operating gdb, etc. [Read More]

Fibre Channel over Ethernet - FCoE

With the final package, [fcoe-utils]( utils.html), clearing the NEW packages queue, the Open-FCoE project’s Fibre Channel over Ethernet stack is now in the Debian archive. I had anticipated to have access to FCoE hardware by the time the packaging would complete but that didn ’t work out. It has been delayed, hence the packages are in experimental. If you have access to FCoE hardware, please test and provide your feedback.

debian  fcoe  fc 

Why Debian

A small talk I gave about Debian and its merits at the ILGUD on 18th of April, 2004.

Why Debian

The following talk is all about Debian for which I was made to speak at the ILUGD meet held on the 18th of April 2004. Most of the references in this talk has been taken from Manoj Srivastava’s (Lead Debian Developer) talk. /* Begins Why Debian Debian – Philosophy, Merits and Key Features Philosophy ** ** Philosophy is the most durable differentiating criterion between the operating systems we are considering. Performance numbers change. [Read More]