apt-offline 1.8.6

Offline Package Manager for APT

apt-offline 1.8.6 apt-offline version 1.8.6 was released almost 3 weeks ago on 08/February/2025 This release includes many bug fixes from community users. Error out if we cannot initialize the APT lock. Thanks to Matthew Maslak check for checksum and handle appropriately (#217) Thanks to Dan Whitman (Github:kyp44) Honor the –allow-unauthenticated option. Thanks to João A (Github: Jonybat) Retry when server reports 429 Too Many Requests occurs. Thanks to Zoltan Kelemen (Github: misterzed88) Also support file:/// url types. [Read More]

apt-offline 1.8.4

Offline Package Manager for APT

apt-offline 1.8.4 apt-offline version 1.8.4 has been released. This release includes many bug fixes but the important ones are: Better GPG signature handling Support for verifying InRelease files Changelog apt-offline (1.8.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Update standards version to 4.5.0, no changes needed. [ Paul Wise ] * Clarify file type in unknown file message * Fix typos * Remove trailing whitespace * Update LICENSE file to match official GNU version * Complain when there are no valid keyrings instead of missing keyrings * Make all syncrhronised files world readable * Fix usage of indefinite articles * Only show the APT Offline GUI once in the menu * Update out of date URLs * Fix date and whitespace issues in the manual page * Replace stereotyping with an appropriate word * Switch more Python shebangs to Python 3 * Correct usage of the /tmp/ directory * Fix YAML files * Fix usage of the log API * Make the copying of changelog lines less brittle * Do not split keyring paths on whitespace [ Ritesh Raj Sarraf ] * Drop the redundant import of the apt module. [Read More]

Kodi PS3 BD Remote

Setting up a PS3 Blu-Ray Disc Remote with Kodi

Setting up a Sony PS3 Blu-Ray Disc Remote Controller with Kodi TLDR; Since most of the articles on the internet were either obsolete or broken, I’ve chosen to write these notes down in the form of a blog post so that it helps me now and in future, and hopefully others too. Raspberry Pi All this time, I have been using the Raspberry Pi for my HTPC needs. The first RPi I acquired was in 2014 and I have been very very happy with the amount of support in the community and quality of the HTPC offering it has. [Read More]

Apt Offline 1.8.2

Offline APT Package Manager

apt-offline 1.8.2 I am pleased to announce the release of apt-offline version 1.8.2 This release has many bug fixes along with a long standing issue of signature validation 2017 - The year of realization and change Back in 2017, the bug was reported that apt-offline did not validate apt meta Packages files. apt-offline was only doing a signature validation for the Release files but did no validation of the apt meta Packages files, which had their checksums listed in the Release files. [Read More]

apt-offline 1.7.1 released

I am happy to mention the release of apt-offline, version 1.7.1. This release includes many bug fixes, code cleanups and better integration. Integration with PolicyKit Better integration with apt gpg keyring Resilient to failures when a sub-task errors out New Feature: Changelog This release adds the ability to deal with package changelogs (’ set ’ command option: --generate-changelog ) based on what is installed, extract changelog (Currently support with python-apt only) from downloaded packages and display them during installation (’ install ’ command opiton: --skip-changelog , if you want to skip display of changelog) New Option: --apt-backend Users can now opt to choose an apt backend of their choice. [Read More]

User Mode Linux

Recently, we had the User-Mode Linux suite out of Debian, which included user- mode-linux, user-mode-linux-doc and uml-utilities package. We are happy that we were able to bring it back into the archvie quick, and hope to maintain it active. For many who may not know about UML, here’s a discription from its website: User-Mode Linux is a safe, secure way of running Linux versions and Linux processes. Run buggy software, experiment with new Linux kernels or distributions, and poke around in the internals of Linux, all without risking your main Linux setup. [Read More]

apt-offline backports for Debian Jessie

For Debian Jessie, the version of apt-offline available is: 1.5.1. This version has had some [issues](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi- bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=apt-offline;dist=unstable).

My very 1st backports is available in the form of [apt-offline 1.7 for ](https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie-backports/apt- offline)[Debian](https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie-backports/apt- offline) Jessie Backports. For Debian Jessie users, this should fix most of the issues.

Lenovo Yoga 2 13 running Debian with GNOME Converged Interface

I’ve wanted to blog about this for a while. So, though I’m terrible at creating video reviews, I’m still going to do it, rather than procrastinate every day.

In this video, the emphasis is on using Free Software (GNOME in particular) tools, with which soon you should be able serve the needs for Desktop/Laptop, and as well as a Tablet.

The video also touches a bit on Touchpad Gestures.

Apport Integration with Debian - GSoC Update

For this year’s Google Summer of Code, I have been mentoring Yuru Roy Shao, on Integrating Apport with Debian. Yuru is a CS student studying at University of Michigan, USA completing his PhD. For around 2+ years, Apport was packaged for Debian, but remained in Experimental. While we did have a separate (Debian BTS aware) crashdb, the general concerns (bug spam, too many duplicates etc) were the reason we held its inclusion. [Read More]

Lenovo Yoga 2 13 with Debian

I recently acquired a [Lenovo Yoga 2 13](http://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo- yoga-2-13-inch/). While, at the time, the Yoga 3 was available, I decided to go for Yoga 2 13. The Yoga 3 comes with the newer Core M Broadwell family, which, in my opinion, [doesn’t really bring any astounding benefits](http://www.digitalversus.com/laptop/lenovo-ideapad- yoga-2-13-3-p18512/test.html). The Yoga 2 13 comes in mulitple variants worldwide. Infact these hardware variations have different effets when run under Linux. My varaint of Yoga 2 13 is: [Read More]