Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – IV)

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – IV) [![OO2o4kTgOElXZx88CZ0u8-wlTqYK9XFcSRzr4aj zjy8pJ-uh7v5zu2 9p3gzt5A](/images/Vibhor/oo2o4ktgoelxzx88cz0u8 -wltqyk9xfcsrzr4ajzjy8pj- uh7v5zu29p3gzt5a.jpg)](https://vibhormahajan.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/oo2o4ktgoelxzx88cz0u8 -wltqyk9xfcsrzr4ajzjy8pj-uh7v5zu29p3gzt5a.jpg) “JAI SHRI RAM” ”जय श्रीराम” Lord Brahma came out of Lord Vishnu’s navel. Lord Brahma’s son was Marichi, Marichi’s son Kashyapa, Kashyapa’s son Surya, Surya’s son Vaivasvata Manu, Manu’s son Ikshvaku, Ikskhvakku’s son Kakutstha, Kakutstha’s son Raghu, Raghu’s son Aja, Aja’s son Dasharatha, Dasharatha’s sons were Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Since Lord Rama was descended from Kakutstha and Raghu, he was also called Kakutstha and Raghava. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – V)

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – V) [![lord-krishna4263jpeg](/images/Vibhor//lord- krishna4263jpeg.jpg)](https://vibhormahajan.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/lord- krishna4263jpeg.jpg) “Jai Shri Krishna” “जय श्री कृष्णा” Lord Krishna was born during turbulent times in Mathura. Kansa, son of Ugrasena, audaciously disbanded the Yadava ruling council and declared himself dictator of Mathura with the support of his father-in-law, Jarasandha, the powerful king of Magadha. All those who protested were either killed or imprisoned. Kansa’s younger sister, Devaki had married Vasudeva. On the wedding day, oracles foretold that the eighth child born of this union would be the killer of Kansa. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – VI)

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – VI) With the departure of Lord Krishna, the Kali yuga set in. In this age, the true devotion to Vedas was replaced by empty rituals. To enlighten the world, Lord Vishnu descended to Earth as Lord Buddha, the enlightened one. Lord Buddha was born as the crown prince of the Kapilavastu to King Suddhodana and Queen Maya. He was named Siddhartha, meaning “All thing fulfilled”. [Read More]

Unbricking my Linksys

In trying to improve the WiFi service in my house, I recently dug out my old Linksys WRT54G Router. It is a 802.11 bg router, which can do 54 MBPS. Currently, I use a TPLink based router, with a DD-WRT community firmware, which claims is 802.11 bgn and can do 300 MBPS. The overall wifi signal isn’t adequate, so I thought of using the old router as a repeater. The default Linksys VXWorks firmware does not have the bridging capabilities, so it was time to flashback, again, the dd-wrt image onto it (The last time I did, I eventually had to revert back to the stock firmware because my ISP claimed that the router was giving too many packet drops). [Read More]

Lenovo Yoga 2 13 running Debian with GNOME Converged Interface

I’ve wanted to blog about this for a while. So, though I’m terrible at creating video reviews, I’m still going to do it, rather than procrastinate every day.

In this video, the emphasis is on using Free Software (GNOME in particular) tools, with which soon you should be able serve the needs for Desktop/Laptop, and as well as a Tablet.

The video also touches a bit on Touchpad Gestures.

State of Email Clients on Linux Based Platforms

I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading list (Thanks to rss2email, now I can hold the list longer, than just marking all as read). And one item from last year’s end worth spending time was Thunderbird. Thunderbird has been the email client of choice for many users. The main reason for it being popular has been, in my opinion, it being cross platform. Because that allows users an easy migration path across platforms. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – VII)

_ " yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham" -_ (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter-4) **Sri Krishna said - **“Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion–at that time I descend Myself. ** ” Praritranaya Sadhunam Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam Dharamasansthapnaya Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge. “** _ -_ (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter-4) Sri Krishna said - “In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to re-establish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium. [Read More]

Bhairava – A Fierce Manifestation of Lord Shiva

Bhairava is the fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva associated with total destruction. He is ornamented with a range of twisted serpents (as earrings), bracelets, anklets, and sacred thread (Yajnopavita). He wears a tiger skin and a ritual apron composed of human bones. Bhairava himself has eight manifestations: Kala Bhairava, Asitanga Bhairava, Samhara Bhairava, Ruru Bhairava, Krodha Bhairava, Kapala Bhairava, Rudra Bhirava and Unmatta Bhairava. Origin Of Bhairava - Once while travelling around the universe, Lord Brahma reached the abode of Lord Vishnu. [Read More]

Shri Hanuman Chalisa – Meaning

|| श्री हनुमान चालीसा || दोहा (Doha) श्री गुरु चरन सरोज रज निजमनु मुकुरु सुधारि । बरनऊ रघुबर बिमल जसु जो दायकु फल चारि ॥ Shri guru charan saroj raj, Nij manu mukur sudhare | Barnau raghubar bimal jasu, Jo dhayak phal chare || “Before I narrate the divine glory of Sri Ramachandra, the most supreme in the Raghu dynasty, the giver of four fruits of mankind, let me first clean the mirror of my mind with the dust of Shri Guru’s lotus feet” [Read More]

Shiva Puran – Introduction

[![lord-shiva-chalisa](/images/lord-shiva- chalisa.jpg)](https://vibhormahajan.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/lord-shiva- chalisa.jpg) The Glory Of Shiva Puran The Puran itself is the creation of Lord Shiva himself, the mystical wisdom crafted in words, molded into one hundred thousand couplets or quartets (Shlokas), divided into twelve chapters (Samhitas); and first revealed in grace to the creator Lord Brahma who relayed it to his favoured son, Narada. Then, it was relayed on in succession to Sanat Kumara and Ved Vyasa. The latter condensed the massive volume into 24,000 shlokas categorised under seven chapters namely: [Read More]