Arjuna and Lord Shiva

Arjuna and Lord Shiva Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 10, 2012]( shiva/) In Mahabharata, Duryodhana with help of his uncle Shakuni robbed the Pandavas of their rightful share of the kingdom in a game of dice. As a result of this, the Pandavas had to spend many years in the forest. While they were in the forest, Vedavyasa (Sage who wrote Mahabharata) came to visit the Pandavas. Vedavyasa told them that they should pray to Lord Shiva. [Read More]

Kali Yuga (kalyug) – "Age of Vice"

Kali Yuga (kalyug) – “Age of Vice” Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 9, 2012]( vice/) “yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham” _ –_ (bhagavad Gita, Chapter-4) “Sri Krishna said: “Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself.” Kali Yuga (Kalyug) that is “age of (the demon) Kali”, or “age of vice” is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Indian scriptures. [Read More]

End of Mahabharata and Start of Kali Yuga

End of Mahabharata and Start of Kali Yuga Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 9, 2012]( start-of-kali-yuga/) “karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadachana ma karma-phala-hetur bhur ma te sango ’stv akarmani” (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 47) “Sri Krishna said: _ You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty. [Read More]

Laptop Mode Tools 1.69 Released

Today is an auspicious day. For those who know (or follow) the Hindu religion will be familiar; Today is Maha Shivaratri![](/images/LMT-Maha- Shivaratri.jpeg) On this day, It is great delight for me to be able to release Laptop Mode Tools, version 1.69 This release adds on many bug fixes and some enhancements. There is a new module (disabled by default) for cpuhotplug. The release tarball also includes a basic PolicyKit file for convenience, that packagers can use for the Laptop Mode Tools Graphical Configuration Interface. [Read More]

Linux Power Savings 2016

Having moved to a new place, now at times, I also have to deal with power outages. As heat increases, the power outages will be much longer and more frequent. So much, that UPS and Power Inverters run out. Such are ideal times to measure idle power consumption for my laptop. Here’s what my default (and idle) OS looks like. It should be standard to most “typical” users. Some minor odds could be apport, dnsmasq, and maybe, tor. [Read More]

Linux IO + Memory + CPU Contention

I very recently met someone, and we had a good productive discussion on the features and (long standing) bugs of the Linux kernel. No doubt, Linux is the most featureful kernel in the market. Is also a lot appealing given its breadth of platform support. Of that discussion we had, it led about Linux’s behavior in tighter stressed scenarios where there is a lot of contention among the core subsystems. From the conversation, I got the feedback that perhaps the issue is no more valid. [Read More]

Lord Shiva Curse Lord Brahma

Once while travelling around the universe Lord Brahma reached the abode of Lord Vishnu. He saw Lord Vishnu resting on Shesh-Nag and being attended by Garuda and other attendants. [![Lord vishnu wallpapers-20012012 (2)](/images/Vibhor/lord- vishnu- wallpapers-20012012-2.jpg)]( /lord-vishnu-wallpapers-20012012-2.jpg) Lord Vishnu did not get up to receive Lord Brahma. This act of Lord Vishnu got him angry. Very soon, verbal dual erupted between them to determine who is superior. It became so severe that a battle was fought between them, which continued for very long time. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – I)

An avatara is an incarnation, which that a god adopts a human form to be born on earth. The purpose is to destroy evil on earth and establish righteousness. Lord Vishnu is regarded as the preserver of the universe and it is therefore Lord Vishnu’s incarnations that one encounters most often. Lord Vishnu has already had nine such incarnations and the tenth and final incarnation is due in the future. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu–Dashavatharam (Part – II)

Varaha Avatara (Boar Incarnation) Lord Vishnu’s third incarnation was in the form of a boar. Sage Kashyapa and his wife Diti had a son named Hiranyaksha, who became the king of the asuras (Demons). Hiranyaksha’s meditation pleased Lord Brahma and Lord Brahma granted him the boon that he would be invincible in battle. Thus armed, Hiranyaksha went out to fight with the devas (Gods). He comprehensively defeated the gods and conquered heaven. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu – Dashavatharam (Part – III)

Vamana Avatara (Dwarf Incarnation) Prahlada’s grandson was Bali Chakravarthi and he was one of the greatest kings. Though he was a demon by birth, he never deviated from the path of Truth and Dharma (religious ethics). His power and strength kept on increasing as he has been following Dharma. With the help and advice of his preceptor, King Bali had conquered all the three worlds, and dethroned Indra from Heaven and occupied Amaravathi, the capital of Indralok. [Read More]