apt-offline 1.7.1 released

I am happy to mention the release of apt-offline, version 1.7.1. This release includes many bug fixes, code cleanups and better integration. Integration with PolicyKit Better integration with apt gpg keyring Resilient to failures when a sub-task errors out New Feature: Changelog This release adds the ability to deal with package changelogs (’ set ’ command option: --generate-changelog ) based on what is installed, extract changelog (Currently support with python-apt only) from downloaded packages and display them during installation (’ install ’ command opiton: --skip-changelog , if you want to skip display of changelog) New Option: --apt-backend Users can now opt to choose an apt backend of their choice. [Read More]

User Mode Linux

Recently, we had the User-Mode Linux suite out of Debian, which included user- mode-linux, user-mode-linux-doc and uml-utilities package. We are happy that we were able to bring it back into the archvie quick, and hope to maintain it active. For many who may not know about UML, here’s a discription from its website: User-Mode Linux is a safe, secure way of running Linux versions and Linux processes. Run buggy software, experiment with new Linux kernels or distributions, and poke around in the internals of Linux, all without risking your main Linux setup. [Read More]

Fully SSL for my website

I finally made full switch to SSL for my website. Thanks to [this](https://hblok.net/blog/posts/2016/02/24/lets-encrypt-tls-certificate- setup-for-apache-on-debian-7/) simple howto on Let’s Encrypt. I had to use the upstream git repo though. The Debian packaged tool, letsencrypt.sh, did not have enough documentation/pointers in place. And finally, thanks to the Let’s Encrypt project as a whole.

PS: http is now redirected to https. I hope nothing really breaks externally.

Leprosy in India

During my recent travel, I had quite a long layover at the Doha International Airport in Qatar. While killing time, I watched an interesting programme on the Al Jazeera network. The program aired on Al Jazeera is Lifelines. This special episode I watched, covered about “Leprosy in India”. After having watched the entire programme, I felt the urge to blog about it. First of all, it was quite depressing to me, to know through the programme, that the Govt. [Read More]

apt-offline backports for Debian Jessie

For Debian Jessie, the version of apt-offline available is: 1.5.1. This version has had some [issues](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi- bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=apt-offline;dist=unstable).

My very 1st backports is available in the form of [apt-offline 1.7 for ](https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie-backports/apt- offline)[Debian](https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie-backports/apt- offline) Jessie Backports. For Debian Jessie users, this should fix most of the issues.

Dasha (Ten) Mahavidya – Part I

Dasha (Ten) Mahavidya – Part I Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [JANUARY 6, 2016](https://vibhormahajan.wordpress.com/2016/01/06/dasha-ten- mahavidya-part-i/) There is a deep quintessential need in the human psyche for a mother. It is said; the Goddess was humankind’s earliest conception of divinity. Among the Shakthas who worship Mother Goddess, the source of all existence is female. God is woman. She is the principle representation of Divinity. She is that power which resides in all life as consciousness, mind, matter, energy, silence, joy as also disturbance and violence. [Read More]

Narada Curse Lord Vishnu–Part II

Narada Curse Lord Vishnu–Part II Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 14, 2012](https://vibhormahajan.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/narada-curse-lord- vishnupart-ii/) As Narada moved on from Lord Vishnu’s adobe, he suddenly saw a beautiful city like he had never seen before. Curiously he entered the city and asked a passerby, “Who is the ruler of this big and charming city?” “It belongs to the glorious King Sheelanidhi”– replied the passerby. Hearing that Narada had come to visit him, the king came out to receive him and welcomed him. [Read More]

Narada Curse Lord Vishnu – Part I

Narada Curse Lord Vishnu – Part I Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 14, 2012](https://vibhormahajan.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/narada-curse-lord- vishnu-part-i/) Once Narada practiced severe austerities in the Himalayas. Indra (King of Gods) became suspicious of Narada and decided to tempt him with worldly pleasures to break his penance. With this in mind, Indra asked Kamadeva (God of love) to break Narada’s penance. Kama came to the spot where Narada was sitting, deep in meditation. As he shot the first arrow the scene suddenly changed into a beautiful valley and a beautiful damsel appeared before Narada. [Read More]

Incarnation of Goddess Ganga as river Ganga

Incarnation of Goddess Ganga as river Ganga Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 11, 2012](https://vibhormahajan.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/incarnation-of- goddess-ganga-as-river-ganga/) [](https://vibhormahajan.files.wordpress.com/2012/05 /ganges_over_shiva-222x300.jpg) King Sagara the ruler of Ayodhya and an ancestor of Lord Rama successfully performed the Ashwamedha Yagya (Horse sacrifice) for 99 times. Each time, he sent the horse around the Earth it returned to the kingdom unchallenged. He decided to perform the Ashvamedha Yagna for the 100th time, that would make him emperor of Earth. [Read More]

Lord Vishnu as Vamana and Birth of Goddess Ganga

Lord Vishnu as Vamana and Birth of Goddess Ganga Posted by VIBHOR MAHAJAN on [MAY 11, 2012](https://vibhormahajan.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/lord-vishnu-as- vamana-and-birth-of-goddess-ganga/) Bali Chakravarthi was one of the greatest kings. Though he was a demon by birth, he never deviated from the path of Truth and Dharma (religious ethics). His power and strength kept on increasing as he has been following Dharma. With the help and advice of his preceptor, King Bali had conquered all the three worlds, and dethroned Indra from Heaven and occupied Amaravathi, the capital of Indralok. [Read More]