Laptop Mode Tools 1.73

Laptop Mode Tools: Power Savings Tool for Linux

Laptop Mode Tools 1.73 I am pleased to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools version 1.73 This release includes many bug fixes. For user convenience, 2 command options have been added. rrs@priyasi:~$ laptop_mode -h **************************** Following user commands are understood status : Display a Laptop Mode Tools power savings status power-stats : Display the power statistics on the machine power-events : Trap power related events on the machine help : Display this help message (--help, -h) version : Display program version (--version, -v) **************************** 15:22 ♒ ॐ ☺ 😄 rrs@priyasi:~$ sudo laptop_mode status [sudo] password for rrs: Mounts: /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p4_crypt on / type btrfs (rw,noatime,compress=zstd:3,ssd,space_cache,autodefrag,subvolid=5,subvol=/) /dev/nvme0n1p3 on /boot type ext4 (rw,relatime) /dev/nvme0n1p1 on /boot/efi type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0077,dmask=0077,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro) /dev/fuse on /run/user/1000/doc type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000) Drive power status: Cannot read /dev/[hs]d[abcdefgh], permission denied - /usr/sbin/laptop_mode needs to be run as root (NOTE: drive settings affected by Laptop Mode cannot be retrieved. [Read More]

Comments on Hugo with Isso

Enabling an independent self-hosting commenting system with Isso on Hugo

Integrating Comments on Hugo with Isso Oh! Boy. Finally been able to get something set up almost to my liking. After moving away from Drupal to Hugo, getting the commenting system in place was challenging. There were many solutions but I was adamant to what I wanted. Simple. Something very simple so that I can spend very limited time to tickle with (especially 2 years down the line) Independent. No Google/Facebook/3rd Party dependency Simple workflow. [Read More]

User Mode Linux 5.2

User Mode Linux 5.2 User Mode Linux version 5.2 has been uploaded to Debian Unstable and will soon be available on the supported architectures. This upload took more time than usual as I ran into a build time failure caused by newer PCAP library. Thanks to active upstream developers, this got sorted out quick. In the longer run, we may have a much better fix for it. What is User Mode Linux a. [Read More]

Bpfcc New Release

BPF Compiler Collection 0.11.0 bpfcc version 0.11.0 has been uploaded to Debian Unstable and should be accessible in the repositories by now. After the 0.8.0 release, this has been the next one uploaded to Debian. Multiple source respositories This release brought in dependencies to another set of sources from the libbpf project. In the upstream repo, this is still a topic of discussion on how to release tools where one depends on another, in unison. [Read More]

Setting a Lotus Pot

Experiences setting up a Lotus pot in my garden

Experiences setting up a Lotus Pond Pot A novice’s first time experience setting up a Lotus pond and germinating the Lotus seeds to a full plant The trigger Our neighbors have a very nice Lotus setup in the front of their garden, with flowers blooming in it. It is really a pleasing experience to see it. With lifestyles limiting to specifics, I’m glad to be around with like minded people. So we decided to set up a Lotus Pond Pot in our garden too. [Read More]

Cross Architecture Linux Containers

Linux and ARM With more ARM based devices in the market, and with them getting more powerful every day, it is more common to see more of ARM images for your favorite Linux distribution. Of them, Debian has become the default choice for individuals and companies to base their work on. It must have to do with Debian’s long history of trying to support many more architectures than the rest of the distributions. [Read More]

Linux Desktop Usage 2019

If I look back now, it must be more than 20 years since I got fascinated with GNU/Linux ecosystem and started using it. Back then, it was more curiosity of a young teenager and the excitement to learn something. There’s one thing that I have always admired/respected about Free Software’s values, is: Access for everyone to learn. This is something I never forget and still try to do my bit. [Read More]

Acidity and Hyperacidity

Acidity and Hyperacidity Acidity refers to the production of excessive hydrochloric acid from the gastric cells. Due to overproduction of the acid there is feeling of heartburn in the region of chest and a person may have sour eructation. There are different remedies available in the market for acidity and hyperacidity. Natural cure for acid reflux includes natural remedies that give quick relief from heartburn and sour eructation. It is easy to find acid reflux natural treatment. [Read More]


Adenitis What is Adenitis? Adenitis refers to the inflammation of lymph glands present in our body. Lymph nodes are present everywhere in human body. The main symptoms of adenitis are pain and swelling. Adenoids of different body parts are given different names depending upon their location. Inflammation from one part may reach to other parts of the body. Mainly bacteria or virus is responsible for producing the infection. When inflammation is not diagnosed at an early stage it may further develop and grow into a tumour. [Read More]

Migrating from Drupal to Hugo

TL;DR: Migrating my website from Drupal 7 to Hugo Jump directly to the end titled Migration to Hugo Initial website Looking back at my website’s history, the domain was first registered sometime in 2003. Back then, it was mostly a couple of html pages. Being (and still) a novice in web, my website was mostly on ideas from others. IIRC, for the bare html one, I took a lot of look wise details from Miss Garrels’ website. [Read More]