Back In Business


Overall it has been a complete rediscovered experience switching from own webservers to a web-hosting service provider’s servers.

It took me almost a full week to get back pivot working on the foreign host. I really miss my servers. Cam, if you can listen that, “You made me have a week of tiring time”.

iprint - Andrew "Tridge" Tridgell's iprint in Python

Following code does the same thing that Tridge’s iprint.c does. #!/usr/bin/env python import sys "iprint - Andrew \"Tridge\" Tridgell's iprint in Python" def toBinary(dec): """ This function does the coversion from integer to binary """ bin = '' while dec: bin = (dec % 2 and '1' or '0') + bin dec = long(dec/2) return bin or '0' x = 1 text = '' while len(sys.argv) > 1 and x < len(sys. [Read More]

Ravi's MotoRazor V3

This is a picture from Ravi’s recently purchased MotoRazor V3

Dhuen mein hai baadal, baadal mein hai khoobsurati;

khoobsurati mein basti hai zindagi;

Aye zindagi kyon hai yeh dhuan ???

Lonely Nights

Recently after my vacation to home I regained my usual life, The Lonely Nights Almost every night morning while I try to sleep I get weird feelings. Feelings like there’s a snake crawling on my legs over the quilt. The feeling like it’s moving towards me and will bite me right at my neck so that I have no possibilities of fighting back to death. Also the scorpion that’s stuck under my pillow, comes out in anguish and hits me at the neck. [Read More]

Customizing Gallery ver 1

Customizing Gallery ver 1 is as simple as adding your HTML code into respective wrapper.header.html and wrapper.footer.html files at the end, after all the PHP code, in the html_wrap directory.

Simple, Isn’t it!

What a lovely OS

Really, What a lovely OS is Debian. I must admire its technical design. Recently I had to wipe out my hard drive for some reasons. I had put a lot of effort into selection of packages and configuration as per my taste. And guess what, re-installation is a cool breeze in Debian. Every setting and every package (from multiple sources) were back. I use a mixture of Testing + Unstable + Experimental + (Some other apt sources) on my laptop. [Read More]


Just how would it look if Mac were to come with Dell laptops.

The screenshot might give some picture.

The beauty of blogging

Today, I’m quite happily influenced by blogging. Different people have different ways of defining and using this new trend. For me, it was always difficult to store small documents for system configuration and tips for making life simpler with computers. Earlier I ended up with having multiple documents in my machine. With blogging, I can dump all my small documents in my blog and have it readily available when and where required. [Read More]

Putting Debian packages on hold -- The dpkg way

At times, for people like me who use a heterogeneous set of packages, it becomes necessary to put certain packages on “hold” so that nothing breaks. The plain dpkg way of putting packages on hold is very very simple. I’ll be taking a package named “foo” as an example. Here are the steps: **pre >1) dpkg –get-selections foo > selections.txt ** This will give you the package and its state on your system. [Read More]

New SSH Session in Konsole

Some quick steps to create an Option for “New SSH Session” under Konsole which includes keychain and ssh-agent for password-less ssh logins. I’m using a Debian system but majority of the steps should be common across all distributions. Install keychain and openssl-client programs (ssh-agent is part of openssl- client package under Debian) rrs@laptop:~ $ apt-get install keychain openssl-client Add the following lines to your .bashrc file For SSH For now I’m gambling the linux session for ssh-agent. [Read More]