Creative Destructivity

Creative Destructivity by Raghavendra Buddi

Good Morning

Good Morning. Good Food. Good Place…….

Finally, I ended up with a change.

Debugging Techniques

Abnormal Program Termination are not something just seen on Microsoft Windows. I hope most users will have seen some kind of program error in GNU/Linux and *BSD platforms also. Abnormal Program Termination can happen for multiple reasons of which Programming Errors are one of the major reasons. Badly Carelessly written programs often end up having such bugs. Here’s a sample C program which has generic programming errors because of which the compiler doesn’t catch it but the program does do unexpected behavior. [Read More]

Bash Endless Loop

I always keep forgetting where the colon (;) key should be placed in a Bash endless loop so thought of jotting it down.

while true; do ls; done

Pivot at its best

It really is amazing to see no more spam coming to my blog. Kudos to the Pivot team who’ve done a great job integrating spam features into this great software. Also the spam cleanup utility (integrated into the application) is excellent. Thanks.

iprint in mod_python

This small script demonstrates mod_python.

Python Crawler

This IMO is one of the dirtiest way for me up till now to accomplish a requirement. But it does the job I want. :D _ DISCLAIMER: I’m a learner. There must be better, smarter and easier way to accomplish the same task._ rrs@learner:~/My_Documents/My Books $ cat /home/rrs/devel/eclipse/PythonFun/ #!/usr/bin/env python """ This tiny little script does the job of crawling into Apache generated directory listings and download scanning a specific pattern. [Read More]

Pythonic Addiction

#!/usr/bin/env python def files(root): for path, folders, files in os.walk(root): for file in files: yield path, file def find_match(repository): # aka walk_tree_copy() for path, file in files(repository): if file.endswith ('html') or file.endswith ('htm') or file.endswith ('HTML') or file.endswith ('HTM'): #if file.endswith ('html.gz') or file.endswith ('htm.gz') or file.endswith ('HTML.gz') or file.endswith ('HTM.gz'): try: os.environ['__TEMP__VAL'] = file os.chdir(path) # We need to chdir so that gzip can see the file in the cwd os. [Read More]

Secure P2P Sharing

First, DISCLAIMER: I ’m not a guru, I’m just a learner. So there might be a chance that the whole article might be fundamentally wrong. I thought of this because I use P2P network a lot. On my laptop, which is the repository of everything I have, it is necessary for me to make sure that it is secure enough. To firewall it I use the single rule from iptables: [Read More]