For many who don’t know, root-tail is a small utility which can write to your Desktop’s Screen (Often called the root window). It is mainly used to display critical system messages.
I’ve been a root-tail fan for long. It like the idea of displaying syslog messages on my desktop. It almost fixes 50% of my problems.
The problem with KDE is that it drwas its own Desktop image on top of the root window because of which you can’t see the messages drawn by root-tail.
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Python gzip/gunzip utility
If you are a person like me who likes to read books in html format, you sure would have lot of soft books. These books occupy a lot of diskspace because they are small files and just text. Apache’s transparent decompression (mod_deflate) is a good solution to read these books while keeping them compressed.
Hence this small utility which’ll gunzip/gzip all your html/text files on all Python supported platforms. Hope you find it useful.
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Happy Birthday KDE
Happy Birthday KDE
ctime, atime and mtime
ctime, atime and mtime
It is important to distinguish between a file or directory ’s change time (ctime), access time (atime), and modify time (mtime).
ctime -- In UNIX, it is not possible to tell the actual creation time of a file. The ctime–change time–is the time when changes were made to the file or directory ’s inode (owner, permissions, etc.). It is needed by the dump command to determine if the file needs to be backed up.
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World Class Company, Third Class Ethics
World Class Company - Third Class Ethics
Well!! After almost around 3 months after my exit from my previous employer ( Dell R &D Center, Bangalore - India), I’ve now had some time to rant about the experiences I had.
Hereforth, unless explicitly mentioned, When Dell is quoted, I mean as **Dell R &D Center, Bangalore - India, **and not any other Dell facility because it is not fair for me to comment about the other centers since I ’ve not worked there.
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SSH Password-less login
First generate a public key
1.rrs@geeKISSexy:~$ ssh-keygen -t dsa 2.Generating public/private dsa key pair. 3.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/rrs/.ssh/id_dsa): 4.Created directory '/home/rrs/.ssh'. 5.Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 6.Enter same passphrase again: 7.Your identification has been saved in /home/rrs/.ssh/id_dsa. 8.Your public key has been saved in /home/rrs/.ssh/ Enter the command "ssh-keygen -t dsa" (line 1.). When prompted on file where key is saved just hit "Enter" (line 3.
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Bye Bye Bootsplash
This is called freedom. **Bootsplash **has been a great eye-candy application in the Linux arena but now it’s time to say goodbye.
I just tried splashy and its a charm. The great thing is that it doesn ’t need a patched kernel. So newbies or people who don’t prefer to rollout their own kernel can use splashy and have a clean boot up.
pypt-offline 0.6.Beta Released
I’m happy that a new release has been possible.
This new release is almost a complete re-write and has many fixes and features.
For details, visit:
There’s also a small HOWTO about pypt-offline
pypt-offline – An Offline Package Manager
(C) 2005, 2006 Ritesh Raj Sarraf
INTRODUCTION So you’ve decided to give this small piece of work a try.
Good ! Let’s get it done faster.
pypt-offline is an offline package management tool written in the Python Programming Language.
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Software Suspend 2 with root/swap on LVM
Disclaimer: YMMV
I had always had failures with Software Suspend 2 (swsusp2) on my laptop because of which I had a perception that it really wasn’t ready for use for beta users also. But recently after reading the comments of many users on LWN I felt how wrong I actuall was.
Anyways, setting up swsusp2 with root/swap on LVM is a little tricky. From my past experience I’ve felt that to be the major reason for me to not able to use this excellent feature.
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