I’m not a music fanatic. While I see many of my friends and colleagues working, with their headphone on and music playing, for me, it is not at all possible. It is just the opposite. I can’t work with music (or any kind of distracting sound) on.
So when I sometimes run Amarok, I used to think what a pile of crap it really is. I mean, look at the resource consumption.
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Random Thoughts.....
Sometimes things can be so interesting.
Yesterday midnight, after my colleague finished dinner from my place, immediately called me back that he was:
Hit by an Auto-wallah
And The Auto-wallah was drunk Didn’t have any identification in the auto. Instread was demanding money from my colleague. So trying to sort out matters we moved to the near by police station and let the police-Gentle-man know that he was hit by a drunk auto-wallah.
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When Rusty was here during FOSS.IN, he mentioned about utilities without which how difficult life would be.
Mercurial distcc ccache I have been using Mercurial and really love it. It is wonderful. I always thought of spending some time with distcc and see what all it can help.
I am amazed. distcc is exactly what it says. And the setup is so much simple.
I had been fucking my laptop by building KDE4 on it every week.
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ZippoBlu Butane Gas Ligher
I received my ZippoBlu Butane Gas Lighter yesterday. And today, I’m using it.
I had ordered it through eBay. Initially I was worried about the delivery of the item as it might get damaged during shipping to India. But the seller (123khaly)is awesome. He did a good packing before the shipping and the lighter reached safely to me. Keep in mind that the gas cannot be shipped because it is flammable.
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KDE on Windows - Be Free
Many of my friends, when watching me work on my laptop, think that I’m using Windows. But now it is going to be real.
They’ll soon be using, what I use, on Windows. Yes, I’m talking of KDE. KDE on Windows.
The recent builds of KDE for Windows have been awesome. Most of the applications, " Just Work"
That to Qt and KDE, to road to Freedom has just begun.
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KDE4 with KDE3
While the Debian KDE Team has done a great job of packaging KDE4 in time, with quality, it is not always possible to fulfill the request of every odd user.
Unfortunately, I fell into the Odd user category because I still want to have KDE4 and KDE3 installed together. For many reasons.
So here’s one way to do it.
Install KDE 3 Packages from Debian Repositories Install KDE 4 from SVN Create a X session file like this.
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KDE 4.0 is out
Despite all the FUD that KDE4 won’t stay up to the expectations of the users, I must say KDE4 has impressed me a lot. It is definitely a lot more faster than KDE 3.
The shiny new desktop with all the new core technologies of KDE 4 and the new visual effects (kwin, plasma, oxygen), all make KDE 4 the best.
Go ahead and install. It is wonderful.
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Linux SCSI Persistent Device Detection
Many of us might be aware of the block level encryption features (LUKS for example) provided in Linux.
Most of the articles that I referred to over the internet mention the usage of the traditional scsi block device when creating it as an ecrypted device. Eg. sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1
This actually poses a problem. The problem is with the way Linux detects SCSI devices. While many distributions have shifted to using ID/LABEL based access to devices, users still use the old traditional way of using a device.
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autoEqualizer for Amarok
I recently came into the necessity of having something which could load equalizer prests by reading the genre from the current running track.
For Amarok, I couldn’t find anything available. So I filed a bug report. But soon realised that my wishlist could be accomplished just bhy a small amount of work.
I then looked at Amarok’s scripting framework. It is amazing. It took me just 3 hrs to get my wishlist item done.
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Head Shave
So I recently got my head shaved because of irritating itching problems.
Here’s the obligatory image: