I recently ended up acquiring a Windows 7 Professional license. While I rarely have a need for Windows, that one rare instance is important. Many of the bank’s web interfaces are tightly dependent on IE. I do have a copy of CrossOver but that doesn’t help much. Most times, IE crashes when trying to render pages. Must be having some OLE dependency.
So I convinced myself to install Windows7. For my banking needs and also to catch-up on how that platform has been doing.
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I just released laptop-mode-tools version 1.56.
This release adds many goodies. We now have a better calling application to rely upon, udev. The linux kernel generates many events based on conditions. udev is a framework that acts on those events and can call-in applications based on conditions. This is something I wanted to do for laptop- mode-tools.
Power State
First was power state. The power_supply subsystem can sense changes and generate events.
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One week with the move
It was [unfortunate](http://www.researchut.com/blog/archive/2010/06/06/fuck- you-sony) when Sony decided to pull out the Other OS support from PS3. One of the reasons of convincing myself to buy it was this feature. With that feature gone, the PS3 stood as nothing much but mostly a media center and an occasional game box.
But with the Move, I think they have compensated it. It is a greatly engineered product with very good accuracy. It has been a week and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it.
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apt-offline - 1.0
Hello World.
I am very pleased to announce apt-offline , version 1.0.
This release adds a Graphical User Interace to apt-offline.
Big thanks to Abhishek Mishra and Manish Sinha who did all the development work to make this GUI happen.
Help: I was wondering if there is a logo for APT that I could use in the big blank space on the main window.
Apart from the GUI, there are a bunch of bug fixes in this release (which have already been made available for the Squeeze release also).
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Pomfret and Sardine
A noob’s fresh attempt at Pomfret and Sardine
My recent experience with Mozilla ThuderBird, IceDove.
With KDE 4.x, the KDE team took a radical step of ripping apart most of the stuff and rethinking many of the designs. Quite a bold move. Many people appreciated KDE’s efforts to start afresh while others moved away from KDE. For some reasons, I decided to stick to KDE. Maybe it was because of the awesome flexibility KDE provided provides to customize the DE to one’s personal taste.
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Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Kies
Well most must be knowing by now that Samsung is rolling out the Android 2.2 FROYO update in phases. And it would be available through Kies.
There have been numerous reports of Kies not detecting the Samsung Galaxy S phone.I think I have a pattern and know what has been causing the trouble.
Samsung Kies , by default, is set to auto-start and reside in the System Tray. The Kies application auto-detects the phone when plugged-in and starts up the applications.
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Old GPG key finally revoked
Just revoked my old GPG key as I do not use it anymore.
pub 1024D/[04F130BC](http://www.researchut.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xE11862EA04F130BC) 2003-08-18 *** KEY REVOKED *** [not verified]
[Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs@researchut.com>](http://www.researchut.com/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xE11862EA04F130BC)
Ritesh Raj Sarraf (Ricky) <rrs@researchut.com>
Ritesh Raj Sarraf <ritesh@cyberspace.com.np>
Ritesh Raj Sarraf <riteshsarraf@fastmail.fm>
Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs_rhwlist@softhome.net>
Ritesh Raj Sarraf (NetApp) <rsarraf@netapp.com>
Ritesh Raj Sarraf <riteshsarraf@users.sourceforge.net>
[user attribute packet]
[user attribute packet]
The Automatic Equalizer for Android
When I wrote the [autoEqualizer ](http://kde- apps.org/content/show.php/autoEqualizer?content=70509 “autoEqualizer”)plug-in for the Amarok (1.x) media player, to the best of my knowledge, there weren’t any media players with this feature nor were there any plug-ins.
Recently, I came to know that the Samsung Galaxy S ’s media player looks to be having the Automatic Equalizer functionality. Not sure if this player is specific to Samsung Galaxy S or the Android Platform in general.
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