CyanogenMod does list Samsung Galaxy S in its list of devices, but given that it is marked experimental I was not very confident of trying it out. But yesterday, I took the plunge. Even though experimental, the ROM is pretty good. And the Cyanogen goodness just makes it awesome. This ROM (also being AOSP GingerBread) is Super Fast. So in a day of use, my impressions: Battery performance has turned out to be better than what I was used to. [Read More]

apt-offline 1.1

I just completed the release of apt-offline version 1.1. This release has many bug fixes, adds basic proxy support and has a new Advanced Options window for the Get operation.

![apt offline advanced options]( yeP4s/TZ7xpWrqyeI/AAAAAAAABUU/fpZV_1oIn74/s640/apt-offline-advanced- options.png)

About Me

I’m very grateful to the Free Software Eco-System Movement that allowed access to everyone to learn. I got involved with Debian as a user in the early 2000. I became an official Debian Developer in 2010. Debian’s processes and structure still amazes me and I’m very proud to be part of this project. My contributions to the Debian project can be seen here. I wrote apt- offline (APT Offline Package Manager) when stuck with real-world IT policies. [Read More]

Basic RAM Information

While upgrading the memory (RAM) of my notebook I did a lot of study as to what exact kind of RAM would my notebook use without problems. By the end, while I finalized on what RAM I need for my notebook, I had compiled a small document on Basic RAM Information courtesy Crucial® FAQs. I hope this guide to be helpful to you but with no warranty though. :-) Do I have to buy the same size upgrade as the memory module currently installed in my computer or can I mix different sizes? [Read More]

Go for Geek lovers

The following document was taken from Machtelt Garrel’s Site. /* Begins Go for nerds! The information below was gladly sponsored by European tax payers. The money went to a Dutch company for doing social research among developers. People doing this kind of research deserve a financial compensation, of course. The start point of the research was a questionnaire for developers, asking about demographical information, orientation, motivation, earning and employment. The typical nerd The survey started with a description of the typical geek or nerd that can be expected in a developer environment: [Read More]

Duniya Mange US, US mange us

The following Cover Story was taken as it is from Businnes World Magazine dated 5th January, 2004. /* Begins Why the Americans need Indians so desperately ? By Prosenjit Datta Last evening, I received a singular lesson in Indo-American relations. And why the two countries are coming closer despite minor irritants like Pakistan and Iraq. The lesson was delivered by a young American who wished to remain unnamed. The setting was one of those boring parties that features businessmen, journalists and members of the diplomatic corps of various countries. [Read More]

Microsoft, Nokia and Qt

Nokia has [announced]( working-together/) that it is selling off its Qt business. This needed to happen given the change in the company’s strategy. Microsoft is a software vendor providing Mobile OS, with Nokia being one of its consumers. For Nokia, to have a tier 1 alliance with Microsoft, it would have been important for the company to show positive gesture. With this move, Microsoft and Nokia will strengthen their partnership. This move will focus on tighter integration in between the 2 company’s portfolios. [Read More]

Snails you need

Fishkeeping is a very common hobby and an easy one to start. What’s challenging is is to be able to continue the hobby. Very often most people give up on fish keeping. Reasons being: Water - Gets contaminated too soon. Fish - All of a sudden they start dying and you’d hate to see that happen Cleanliness - Sometimes, it just becomes a burden cleaning the tank All the points above are inter-related. [Read More]

Patents and the Pharmacy Industry

Mosf of us would be well versed with the Patent system in general. We have patents in every sector - Technology, Agriculture, Pharmacy etc. Most readers in our profession must already be well versed of the Pros/Cons of the Patent system in Software/Technology. Patents in software are more like ammunition. The more you have, the stronger you are. We don’t seem much cat fight in Software/Technology because not one organization own all the patents for a product. [Read More]


What is a Good Citizen? These are my observations in an urban city of a developing country. One unanimous comment that I often hear is Traffic. That that how bad it is, no rules, pathetic roads and so on…… The government is to blame for this unplanned growth that has been causing chaos. And then there ’s no effective system to raise, track and execute Tickets. All these might be very facts based arguments if thrown out in the wild. [Read More]