
" Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young, Who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, And joined in thy innocent glee." -- Margaret Courtney

I miss you Dad.

New GPG Key

Given the recent switch to a stronger key by everyone, here’s mine. The old key that I’ll still keep using till I get the new key signed by a good amount of people. pub 1024D/04F130BC 2003-08-18 Key fingerprint = CF0F EDEF 1052 83D2 62A4 0549 E118 62EA 04F1 30BC uid Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs@researchut.com uid Ritesh Raj Sarraf riteshsarraf@users.sourceforge.net uid Ritesh Raj Sarraf (NetApp) rsarraf@netapp.com uid [jpeg image of size 52128] [Read More]

Temple of Lord Mahadev, Bangalore

Having been in Bangalore for more than 4+ years, it was a regret when I visited the temple of Lord Mahadev, that why didn’t I visit it earlier.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to be there with my parents and I must say, it is awesome. You need to be there.

Lord Mahadev Temple,

Mysterious Girl

An old time favorite.

Hospital && Medical && Doctors

I’ve always been very skeptical about Doctors. Given the kind of news we’ve heard about Doctor’s (one who used to take kidneys out of healthy people in the name of treatment), it was tough believing in this profession. But I think I’ve been very wrong. One example cannot represent a community. My father has been going through serious medical treatments and I admitted him to the Manipal Hospital at Bangalore, India. [Read More]

Boston, MA

I’m currently in Boston, MA to attend the Red Hat Summit.

Boston is awesome. This city has beauty embedded to its roots. Historical, Natural and Charming.

ZippoBlu Butane Gas Ligher

I received my ZippoBlu Butane Gas Lighter yesterday. And today, I’m using it. I had ordered it through eBay. Initially I was worried about the delivery of the item as it might get damaged during shipping to India. But the seller (123khaly)is awesome. He did a good packing before the shipping and the lighter reached safely to me. Keep in mind that the gas cannot be shipped because it is flammable. [Read More]

Head Shave

So I recently got my head shaved because of irritating itching problems.

Here’s the obligatory image:


Mobiking Revisited

It has been around 5 yrs when I suffered a broken collar bone in a road accident on my bike. My take since then had been to avoid biking in Indian City Roads. But I finally gave up on it because I realised how much I really missed avoiding it. So here I am, back to biking. I wanted to start up again with a bike which would be: Steady on the roads. [Read More]

The beauty of blogging

Today, I’m quite happily influenced by blogging. Different people have different ways of defining and using this new trend. For me, it was always difficult to store small documents for system configuration and tips for making life simpler with computers. Earlier I ended up with having multiple documents in my machine. With blogging, I can dump all my small documents in my blog and have it readily available when and where required. [Read More]