
Just how would it look if Mac were to come with Dell laptops.

The screenshot might give some picture.

Putting Debian packages on hold -- The dpkg way

At times, for people like me who use a heterogeneous set of packages, it becomes necessary to put certain packages on “hold” so that nothing breaks. The plain dpkg way of putting packages on hold is very very simple. I’ll be taking a package named “foo” as an example. Here are the steps: **pre >1) dpkg –get-selections foo > selections.txt ** This will give you the package and its state on your system. [Read More]

Why Debian

A small talk I gave about Debian and its merits at the ILGUD on 18th of April, 2004.

Why Debian

The following talk is all about Debian for which I was made to speak at the ILUGD meet held on the 18th of April 2004. Most of the references in this talk has been taken from Manoj Srivastava’s (Lead Debian Developer) talk. /* Begins Why Debian Debian – Philosophy, Merits and Key Features Philosophy ** ** Philosophy is the most durable differentiating criterion between the operating systems we are considering. Performance numbers change. [Read More]