GNOME Shell Extensions and Chromium
User Mode Linux
Fully SSL for my website
I finally made full switch to SSL for my website. Thanks to [this]( setup-for-apache-on-debian-7/) simple howto on Let’s Encrypt. I had to use the upstream git repo though. The Debian packaged tool,, did not have enough documentation/pointers in place. And finally, thanks to the Let’s Encrypt project as a whole.
PS: http is now redirected to https. I hope nothing really breaks externally.
apt-offline backports for Debian Jessie
For Debian Jessie, the version of apt-offline available is: 1.5.1. This version has had some [issues]( bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=apt-offline;dist=unstable).
My very 1st backports is available in the form of [apt-offline 1.7 for ]( offline)[Debian]( offline) Jessie Backports. For Debian Jessie users, this should fix most of the issues.